Snakes AND Lizards:
Did you know that snakes aren't slimy?That some lizards have tongues longer that their own bodies?
Usually, there are only two poisonous lizards: the Gila monster and the Mexican beaded lizard. The venom of both lizards is neurotoxic. The two lizards are in the same family, and both are slow moving with a docile nature.
The komodo dragon, although not poisonous, can be dangerous due to its large size. These lizards can reach lengths of 3 meters and weigh over 115 kilograms. Do not try to capture this lizard!!!!
Snakes belong to the order of animals called reptiles. This group also include crocodiles, lizards, and turtles.They live almost everywhere, in deserts, forests, oceans, streams, and lakes. Some are ground dwellers, others live in trees, and other snakes spend most of their lives in water. There are a few areas where snakes do not live. They cannot survive in places where the ground stays frozen the year around, so they are missing in the polar regions or at high mountain elevations.
We choose this item to talk abuot because Juan Agustin's cousin likes very much snakes.
By: Juan Agustin Confalonieri and Martin Coscia.
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