Wednesday, 6 June 2007

The Friendship

In The Body the theme of the book was the friendship, and I think that , that topic is , first very interesting and second is a part of our life.
Friendship isn´t the relationship you have with the people you know, or the people you just say Hello! or Nice to meet you!, is the relationship with people you really love, the people you know very well and they know you very well, and those ar call Friends. The friends are those who always are there to help in good and bad times, those people in you can trust and they will not betray, those people you would give evrything for those people you call friends.
But sometimes is tragic because the friendship is like the health, we never realize the true importance of it until we lose it. And a life with no friends is like living in a desert island without water, and without light. But the one who discover the true frindship, discover an enormous treasure. And as in the photo says if you need a hand I am here.


Delfina y Agustina said...

Hi! Lucas very nice what you put. I like it very much. You have all the reason about the friendship. I like be your friend!


Nora said...

It's great how you've connected such an interesting theme with our class reader The Body.
Very moving....