Hairspray is a 2007 musical film produced by Zadan Meron. It was released in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom on July 20, 2007. Set in 1962 Baltimore, the film follows a "pleasantly-plump" teen named Tracy Turnblad as she simultaneously want to be a dancer on a local TV show, that in that moment was the best show. Songs from the Broadway musical written by Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman, are present in this movie.
This are some of the songs that appear in the film:
"Good Morning Baltimore"
"The Nicest Kids in Town"
"It Takes Two"
"Miss Baltimore Crabs"
"Trouble on the Line"
"Ladies' Choice"
"The Nicest Kids in Town "
"The New Girl in Town"
"Welcome to the 60's"
"Run and Tell That"
"Big, Blonde and Beautiful"
Some of the awards that they won:
Teen Choice Awards 2007
Young Hollywood Award
Hollywood Film Festival & Hollywood Awards
MTV Movie Awards
Main characters:
Brittan Snow as Amber Velma von Tussle
Nikki Blonsky as Tracy Edna Turnblad
Zac Efron as Link Matthew Larkin
John Travolta as Edna Turnblad
Michelle Pfeiffer as Velma von Tussle
Christopher Walken as Wilbur Turnblad
Amanda Bynes as Penny Lou Pingleton
James Mrsden as Cornelius Collins Brittan
We hope you like and enjoy our post and if you don't see this movie yet, run and go to see it now!!
by Victoria and Pilar
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